
Shadowlands Leveling 50-60

  • Leveling Speed

    Extra Options

$24.99 $19.99

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Service Info Requirements FAQ
Service Info Requirements FAQ
  • Service Info
  • Requirements
  • FAQ
  • Preorders Opened
  • 50-60 Powerleveling Boost by Quests and Dungeons
  • Receive Your Character with Max Level in Shadowlands
  • Earn the Achievement Level 60
  • ETA 24-72 Hours (Depends on Chosen Option)
  • Gold, Reputation and Gear farmed during the Leveling will be saved on Your Character
  • No Bots or Hacks allowed, Handmade Only
  • Account Sharing Option
  • VPN Covered
  • Character with Lvl 50
  • Shadowlands Expansion and Active WoW Subscription
  • Account Login and Password. No need of secret question answer.
  • High iLvl is not required, but highly recommended. It will help us to finish Your Boost even Faster!

Why should I buy preorder and not just wait for Shadowlands to buy leveling?


You can buy Shadowlands leveling in any point in time and we will get it done. However at the beginning of the new brand WoW Expansion there will be a lot of people who would like to buy a leveling service. Number of trusted and great boosters is not infinite, so there could be queue. We suggest You to manage Your Character Shadowlands Leveling beforehand to avoid any situations like that. The Earlier you decide to preorder, the longer time we have to assign a trusted Booster and organize your service.


When do you start?


We will start Your Shadowlands Leveling at the launch day if there are no issues and servers allow us to log on. First days of any new expansion could be laggy, buggy and always have troubles with connection and ping. We cover that by arranging only professional boosters who did the leveling route on beta and know the best way to get Your Character to Lvl 60 as fast as possible. Pretty sure You will be pleased to start Your journey in Shadowlands when servers just become stable, other players only started their leveling process, but You can already push dungeons, raise Your iLvl and improve your Character by having Lvl 60 with our Shadowlands Leveling Service. 


Is it Safe?


By arranging Trusted Boosters with VPN we do not foresee any problems with account sharing for Shadowlands Leveling Service. However even with all our precautions and by having no issues before we are unable to guarantee total safety of your account. Don’t trust blind promises of 100% safety – nobody can know for sure if Blizzard will target these services for 30 days suspension. Please, keep in mind the possibility of getting your account suspended for sharing it with other people.